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Can a Chiropractor Actually Treat Headaches?

Written By Tree City Chiropractic on December 22, 2023

blog back pain

A headache is a common but painful condition that can affect your ability to sleep, work, concentrate, or enjoy your hobbies. There are many different types of headaches, and each type may have a different cause or trigger. The most common type of headache is a tension headache, which can be treated with chiropractic care. At Holmes Chiropractic, our chiropractors specialize in identifying the underlying cause of headaches and treating them with chiropractic care. Our goal is to provide drug-free headache treatment in Monterey Park, Alhambra, Montebello, and East Los Angeles, CA, that relieves pain and other symptoms and improves your overall health and wellness.

Identifying Your Headache Triggers 

Our team will start by identifying your headache triggers. Triggers are the internal or external stimuli that cause a headache. Understanding what triggers your headaches can help you prevent them in the future. It will also help us determine the most effective chiropractic treatment plan for you. We will ask you about your overall health, symptoms, and past injuries, treatments, and surgeries. We will also want details about your lifestyle, habits, diet, and home and work environments. The most common headache triggers are:

  • Stress and tension
  • Anxiety
  • Changes to your sleep schedule
  • Fatigue
  • Food sensitivities or allergies
  • Seasonal allergies
  • Medications
  • Alcohol or substance overuse
  • Caffeine withdrawal
  • Environmental factors like noise, light, or smells
  • Changes in weather
  • Hormonal imbalances
  • Dehydration

Personalized Chiropractic Care 

The goal of chiropractic care is to stimulate the body’s natural healing processes. We are committed to treating the underlying cause of pain and dysfunction, rather than just masking it with prescription medications. Our personalized chiropractic care plans are nonsurgical, non-invasive, and drug-free. Our goal is to relieve pain, improve function, enhance quality of life, and improve overall wellness. We will design a highly individualized chiropractic headache treatment plan that addresses your headache triggers, identifies necessary lifestyle modifications, and prevents future headaches. We may recommend combining multiple chiropractic therapies for optimal results. 

Preventing Headaches at Work and Home

Our treatment extends beyond our office. Our chiropractors will offer practical changes you can make at work and home to avoid future headaches. We may recommend:

  • Changing your diet
  • Adjusting your sleep routine
  • Practicing stress management techniques
  • Getting more exercise
  • Drinking more water
  • Quitting smoking or drinking
  • Taking breaks from screens
  • Avoiding caffeine
  • Avoiding headache triggers
  • Taking nutritional supplements

Chiropractic Headache Treatment in Monterey Park, CA

Don’t continue to suffer through daily or chronic headaches. Visit us at Holmes Chiropractic for drug-free chiropractic headache treatment in Monterey Park, Alhambra, East Los Angeles, or Montebello, CA. Our experienced chiropractors can offer pain relief and help you avoid headache triggers and prevent headaches. Contact us to schedule an appointment for relief today.

Posted In: Headache