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Can Chiropractic Treatment Help With Migraines?

Written By Tree City Chiropractic on October 30, 2023

a guy feeling stressed

A migraine is more than just a normal headache. A migraine is a neurological condition that causes debilitating pain and other symptoms that can last for days. While doctors don’t know the exact cause of migraines, we do know that they are triggered by biological, environmental, and emotional factors. At Tree City Chiropractic, our chiropractors don’t just use prescription medication to temporarily mask the symptoms of your migraines. Instead, we find the root cause or triggers of your migraines so you can find pain relief, get back to your regular routine, and prevent future migraines. Our migraine treatment in Tualatin, OR, is non-invasive and drug-free.

How Do You Find Your Migraine Triggers? 

The first thing we will do is a comprehensive physical examination. We will also ask you about your health history, migraine symptoms, past treatments and procedures, and family health history. Then we will go over your lifestyle, habits, and home and work environments. We may run diagnostic testing or allergy testing. The most common migraine triggers are:

  • Anxiety, stress, and tension
  • Loud noises and bright lights
  • Smells
  • Weather changes
  • Hormonal changes
  • Food allergies and food sensitivities
  • Fatigue or lack of sleep
  • Dehydration
  • Substance overuse
  • Alcohol overuse
  • Side effects of medication
  • Caffeine withdrawal

Personalized Migraine Treatment Plan

We use all-natural chiropractic care to treat migraines. Chiropractic care can stimulate the body’s natural healing processes, so it is a safe alternative to prescription medications or invasive procedures. Our chiropractors are committed to finding and addressing the underlying cause of your pain and other symptoms, and our goal is to relieve migraine pain, reduce migraine symptoms, improve function, and enhance quality of life and overall wellness. We will design a personalized migraine treatment plan that addresses your triggers, recommends lifestyle modifications at home and at work, and helps you reduce your risk of future migraines. We may recommend combining multiple chiropractic therapies for optimal results. 

How to Prevent Migraines at Work and Home

In addition to the treatment we provide in our office, we will also offer professional recommendations for lifestyle modifications and workplace modifications you can make that can reduce your risk of migraines at work and at home. We may suggest that you:

  • Take vitamins or supplements
  • Change your diet and avoid certain foods
  • Adjust your sleep habits or routine
  • Reduce stress through stress management therapies
  • Exercise more often
  • Drinking more water
  • Stop smoking and/or drinking
  • Get up from your computer, tablet, smart phone, TV, or other screens at least once per hour
  • Make your workstation more ergonomic
  • Avoid headache triggers

Chiropractic Migraine Treatment in Tualatin, OR

At Tree City Chiropractic, our experienced chiropractors and wellness team can address the underlying cause of your migraines and offer safe, all-natural, drug-free migraine treatment in Tualatin, OR. To schedule an appointment, call us today.

Posted In: Migraine